Suggestions box

Make any suggestions here


  1. - Competitions
    - Maybe a peace fashion line
    - Advice columns for people to send in their questions or even to advise other people

  2. • Writing Competitions
    • Peace Magazine
    • Peace Newspaper
    • World Current Events

  3. @Momijial911

    Oh, a fashion line! Great idea!
    If you ever do make one, I would love to help.
    I can't do graphics on a computer, but I can draw clothes in real life. I might post a picture of one later tonight..

    xx. Rosie

  4. - A 'miss Stardoll Peace' contest
    - The peaceful handbook/guide
    - peace models?

  5. these are all great ideas!!
    i love the fashion lineone
    and i also love miss stardoll peace but if only the site expands a bit. reach out to other blogs to get this movement going!

  6. Ooh! I got one! [lol]
    Why don't you hold a competition where people paint their nails inspired by peace! [I saw your pink nail post, it gave me the idea :)] Then we can send you the pictures of our nails :3
